Juvenile Detention Center


  • Answers to Your Questions

    Because of your child's behavior, it is necessary for him/her to live temporarily at the Juvenile Detention Center. Every youth that is admitted to the Detention Center either has a Family Division probation officer or will be assigned one. If the youth remains in Detention more than 24 hours, then a preliminary hearing is held. At that time the youth is either released or court ordered to remain in detention pending other court interventions.

    Youth specialists are responsible for providing care and safety for each resident; however, they do not make decisions regarding your child's stay in Detention. Probation officers are the primary source for obtaining information regarding charges and other pertinent information regarding your child's stay in Detention.

    You will have questions about what is happening to your child while he/she is here. In the following pages we have tried to answer some of them for you. If you have further questions, the staff will try to answer them.

  • What medical facilities are available?

    Medical staff examine juveniles within 24 hours of being admitted. There is a routine physical examination including a tuberculosis (TB) test and sexually transmitted disease (STD) testing. Our dentist is here one day a month. He does a dental examination and some dental repair.

    Nursing staff are on duty from 7 a.m. until 10 p.m., Monday through Sunday. Clinic medical doctors see juveniles in Detention twice a week, and our doctor is always on call. Medical staff verify all medical prescriptions and obtain any needed prescriptions. If a child becomes ill or has an accident, the facilities of local hospitals are used. If such an emergency happens, parents are immediately notified by a shift supervisor or probation officer.

  • What mental health care is available?

    Network 180 is contracted to provide on-site crisis intervention services and assessments 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. During routine on-site time, mental health clinicians provide mental health and/or substance abuse assessment; brief, focused mental health intervention; crisis intervention; psychiatric evaluation; and coordination of mental health and/or substance abuse services with parents, probation officers, Department of Human Services (DHS) workers, and other professionals involved with Detention juveniles.

  • When will my child be released?

    Each case is different. You must talk to the probation officer about this.

  • Procedure for Complaints

    If you or your child has a concern, discuss this with a shift supervisor who will explain the complaint procedure to you. Other staff members will also try to answer any other questions you might have. Feel free to ask them.
    Please Note: While your child is in our care, they have a legal right and access to file a grievance - a formal, written complaint about a policy, procedure, or person.

  • Whom do I contact about my child's case?

    You should contact your child's Family Division probation officer at once. If you don't know his or her name, call the Court at 632-5106. The Court is open from 8:00am to 5:00pm, Monday through Friday.

  • What are the rules about visiting my child?


    Last Name: A-K

    1:00 - 2:00 p.m.


    3:30 - 4:30 p.m.


    Last Name: A-K

    6:00 - 7:00 p.m.


    7:30 - 8:30 p.m.

    You must produce a photo identification in order to visit. Only a parent or legal guardian may visit. NO other persons, juvenile or adult, may visit during these hours. Please do not bring infants, children, or other youth with you when you come because they will not be admitted. Parents should provide someone to supervise young children in the lobby if they must come along. They will not be allowed to visit. All personal belongings must be placed in a locker before you enter the Detention area.

  • May our minister visit?

    Yes, at any time. However, clergy visits should be from the minister of your church and must have clergy identification. Our chaplains are available to your child and you as well.

  • May I write or telephone my child?

    You may write as often as you like. All mail is screened by the probation officer. Phone privileges are earned based on resident behavior and length of stay.

  • Personal Care Items

    We furnish each child with the following items: daily clothing, comb, toothbrush, toothpaste, hair cream, shampoo, soap, deodorant, and hand cream. They may use their own gym shoes.

  • What things may I bring to my child?

    Your child's diet while at the Center is very adequate. Detention has a store where youngsters may purchase "goodies" if they have earned coupons by their good behavior. Do not bring food, candy, money, matches or lighters, cigarettes, or any perishable items when you visit.

    Violations of the above may result in loss of visiting privileges.

  • What does my child do at the Juvenile Detention Center?

    Youth that reside at the Juvenile Detention Center must attend school daily. Youth are able to attend chapel services, seasonal activities, and participate in life and social skills education. Each youth is expected to set a weekly goal. Based on their ability to meet goals and follow other basic rules and expectations, he/she may earn additional privileges such as a later bed time, time in the game room, and additional food and hygiene items from the detention store. Movie passes and a telephone call to parents may also be earned. Children are expected to maintain their own room and adhere to a behavior management system in order to keep their privileges.

  • What type of discipline is used?

    The Detention behavior program is based on a cognitive model. When youth violate rules and/or act out inappropriately, they will be challenged to think about their behavior and process what they could have done differently. This process may consist of different success levels and lengths of time out. Each consequence requires a youth to process with staff their thoughts and how they could have responded differently. The cognitive model attempts to change your child's thinking pattern which would ultimately change his/her behavior. The goal of the Detention Center is to try and provide residents with an opportunity to correct their behavior without using room confinement and/or restraints. Physical punishment is not allowed.

  • Why are the doors locked?

    The doors are locked for two reasons:

    1. Most of the children here would rather be someplace else. An unlocked door might be too much of a temptation and if the child runs away, he/she is only getting into further trouble. The doors are locked for the protection of your child.
    2. Your child has his/her own room. Rooms are kept locked for everyone's safety.