Pregnancy & Parenting Support Services

Infant Safe Sleep Program

Kent County Health Department Infant Safe Sleep logo

The Infant Safe Sleep Program provides free education and resources for pregnant women, families with infants under one year of age, and caregivers of infants to reduce unsafe sleep deaths in our community.

Safe Sleep Recommendations

  • Place your baby alone, on their back, in a crib, bassinet, or Pack n Play for every sleep—including naptime.
  • Use a firm mattress with a tightly fitted sheet.
  • Keep pillows, blankets, and toys out of the sleep area.
  • If possible, share your room but not your bed.
  • Instead of a blanket, consider using a sleep sack, wearable blanket, or footed sleeper to keep your baby warm.
  • Breastfeed if you can.
  • Create a smoke free and substance free environment
  • Remind everyone who cares for your baby, including babysitters and family members, how to keep baby safe while sleeping.
  • If you plan to share your bed, consider making it safer for your infant by removing blankets and pillows, and not allowing other children or pets to share the sleep surface.

Current Events

Infant Safe Sleep for Firefighters and EMS

Kent County is currently working with local Fire Departments and EMS agencies on becoming certified in Infant Safe Sleep. Participating agencies will collaborate with KCHD to provide education, resources, and Pack n Plays to families who are in need. Contact us for more information!

A baby sleeps happily and safely in their crib

Contact Us

Renee Dunwell
Marissa Brown
Do you have a question? Are you seeking help with services?

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